Duncan Hawkins
Duncan Hawkins has been and continues to be involved in the sport of soccer as a coach since 2004 mainly in the urban centers with club soccer. Duncan possesses National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Certification in the following levels: NCCP Soccer- Children, NCCP Soccer- Youth, and NCCP Senior level soccer training and currently working towards CSA C-Level Certification. Duncan is currently the Vice-President for Big Country Soccer Association, the association for the district that Crossfield Minor Soccer is a part of and provides support to members of BCSA and their soccer needs. Additionally is involved in the Alberta Soccer Association (ASA) Disciplinary Committee process.
Chelsie Hiebert
Council of Past Presidents
Chelsie was formally the President of Crossfield Minor Soccer. After her term, she is part of the "Council of Past Presidents". This is a group of past Board members that are available for historical inquiry into past Board workings to ensure continuity with the current Board.